All about Eve ....

I've always enjoyed food, but I always associated what I ate more with my weight than anything else. I was more focused on fat content and calories that actually nourishing myself. Teenage years were spent experimenting with various unhealthy ‘diets’- I wasn’t overweight, but as many do I always felt under pressure to lose weight and look different.

I had always suffered with awful PMS and it wasn’t until I developed IBS and digestive issues in my late twenties that I started to make the connection between my lifestyle and my symptoms. I was going through a stressful time and started experiencing what I thought were asthma attacks but turned out to be anxiety related. My doctor offered me medication but after doing some research, I decided that there were changes that I could make both to my diet and lifestyle that may help my symptoms.

I gradually started to make some simple changes and was amazed at the difference they made to my symptoms. The more knowledgeable I became about nutrition the more empowered I felt. It opened my eyes to the fact that what I ate and how I lived could actually have a profound effect on the way I felt. I found the subject of nutrition so fascinating that I decided to pursue it further which led me to enrolling on a 3-year course in Nutritional Therapy at the reputable College of Naturopathic Medicine in Edinburgh. 

I’m passionate about the power of food and lifestyle, and having drawn on my knowledge to support my own health, I now want to be able to use this so that I can help others overcome challenges to their health and get back to feeling their best.